About Seaview
Seaview : Scenario, fishEry, ecologicAl-economic modelling and VIability nEtWork
Reconciling food supply and security with biodiversity protection is a key challenge of the century, especially in the face of population growth and climate change. The case of fisheries and marine ecosystems is especially challenging in this ecological-economic perspective. The aim of the network SEAVIEW is to reinforce and disseminate the methodological advances of the network teams regarding viability modeling for ecosystem-based fishery and marine biodiversity scenarios and management strategies.
Many marine scientists advocate an ecosystem approach to identifying sustainable scenarios and management strategies for these marine socio-ecosystems. However, the way to operationalize such an ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM) remains challenging. Viability, co-viability or eco-viability modeling is now recognized by a growing number of researchers as a relevant framework for EBFM. In the context of dynamic ecological-economic systems, viability models both allow to assess the ecological and economic vulnerabilities of given scenarios and projections and to exhibit states and controls that sustain the safety and resilience of the socio-ecosystems.
SEAVIEW network intends to improve the ecological-economic models, methods and tools, to disseminate them broadly and to develop ambitious collaborative research endeavors that can be submitted for funding under international research programs.
SEAVIEW network is clearly interdisciplinary as it articulates ecological, economic and modeling sciences along with the skills of the different partners. In particular by promoting bio-economic models and scenarios, it postulates that ecological systems and human societies interact, especially through economic drivers, to mutually determine each other's paths and have to be studied jointly.