Belmont Forum
Belmont Forum : The International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA) is a forum for national scientific funding agencies to collaborate in addressing the challenges and opportunities of global environmental change.
The Belmont Forum, a group of high-level representatives from major funding agencies across the globe, is the Council of Principals for IGFA. In order to meet the goals of the Belmont Challenge, the Belmont Forum coordinates funding for collaborative research actions (CRAs).
These high-priority research activities improve the way funding agencies collaborate with each other and develop opportunities for research.
Scenario, fishEry, ecologicAl-economic modelling and VIability nEtWork (SEAVIEW) is funded by the Belmont Forum under the call : CRA 2014 Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Belmont Forum

Delivering knowledge to support human action and adaptation to global environmental change