AMURE Research Unit & LRH French Guyana

What is the AMURE research unit ?

AMURE was established in January 2008 as a joint research unit, associating the Marine Economics Department of The joint research group AMURE (UMR_M101 AMURE - Centre for the Law and Economics of the Sea) was established in January 2008 by association of the Maritime Economics Department of the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea , and the Centre for the Law and Economics of the Sea of the University of Western Brittany, Brest, France 
The research unit is a member of the OSU-IUEM - Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers - European Institute of Marine Studies .

The focus of the research group is the study of the economic and legal dimensions of public policies related to maritime activities, the use of resources and ecosystem preservation in marine and coastal areas.

Bringing together a group of more than 70 researchers, engineers, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students in economics and law, AMURE is one of the main French and European research and research training centers on marine policy issues relating to the sustainable development of maritime and coastal activities and areas. The group’s activity is conducted in an inter-disciplinary perspective in marine sciences, as part of the excellence in research of the Labex-Mer and the GIS Europôle mer.

The research in AMURE is structured in three domains and supported by an observation strategy.

  • Domain 1 - Property rights and liability

Scientific coordinators : Cécile Decet Bertin et Jean Boncoeur

  • Domain 2 – Sustainability of socio-ecological systems and public policies

Scientific coordinators : Harold Levrel & Olivier Curtil

  • Domain 3 – Territories and new ocean uses

Scientific coordinators : Sondès Kahouli & Gaëlle Gueguen Hallouet

Observation strategy
Scientific coordinators : Fabienne Daurès, Pascal Le Floc’h & Olivier Curtil


Director: Olivier Thébaud, Ifremer Research Executive, Director of UEM, Ifremer
Deputy Directeur: Annie Cudennec, Professor of law, University of Brest
Deputy Directeur: Denis Bailly, Assistant professor of economy, University of Brest

Updated on 15/01/2016

Contact Amure

Ifremer - Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané UBO - UMR AMURE - 12 rue de Kergoat - Bâtiment B - CS 93837 - 29238 Brest Cedex 3 - France

Contact LRH Cayenne

Laboratoire Resources halieutiques Délégation de Guyane: Contact : Fabian BLANCHARD (Regional Delegate) Adress :Domaine de Suzini, BP 47797331 Cayenne Cedex