10 Juillet – PhD Summer School 'Research on Sustainable Development', Basel July 2017
08 h Basel, Switzerland
The 4th international PhD Summer School ‘Research on Sustainable Development’ considers questions of conceptual and empirical linkages between sustainability and risk issues.
Nothing is as risky as our future. Sustainability serves as comprehensive model to deal with complex and future-oriented risks. And reversely, to promote sustainable development we need to analyse and manage all sorts of risks, be it economic, social or natural risks–or a complex conglomerate of them. In science, we find a whole bunch of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to link sustainability and risks. How can we safely navigate through this extensive field? What are sound approaches of sustainability with regard to risks and vice versa? And how can we empirically assess, manage and govern risks within the framework of sustainable development?
Participants will:
- get to know scientific understandings of sustainability and risks;
- acquire an approach to systematically link sustainability and risk issues;
- clarify conceptual assumptions and empirical approaches, in order to make original research contributions;
- get detailed feedback from senior experts and peers;
- experience the interdisciplinary discourse in sustainability sciences and learn how to locate their research in this context;
- get to know finely selected international PhD students who research in the context of sustainability and risks.
Guest speakers
- Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Alexander Zehnder, visiting professor, Nanyang Technological University NTU, Singapore, and director Triple Z GmbH, Zurich– a renowned and widely networked expert in issues around water and sustainability.
- Economics Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumgärtner, University of Freiburg, Germany – one of the most distinguished environmental economists in Germany with a profound background in interdisciplinarity and theory.
- Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany–an internationally acknowledged and leading scientist in risk governance and sustainability issues.
Contact Dr. Marius Christen, marius.christen@unibas.ch
For further information please consult: msd.unibas.ch/en/home/studies/phdschool.html
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