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28 results

Coastal Brazilian fishery (14 September 2016)

Coastal Brazilian fishery

Benguela upwelling (24 November 2016)

. paradoxus), and small pelagics like sardine (Sardinops sagax) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) offshore, and coastal fisheries for Snoek (Thyrsites atun), Rock Lobster (Jasus lalandii) and Abalone ... Benguela current is the strongest coastal upwelling system in the world. It is highly productive and supports a rich fishery with catches of rock lobster, cods, hakes and haddock, sardines

Northern Prawn Fishery (03 February 2016)

Northern Prawn Fishery

Bay of Biscay demersal mixed fishery (23 August 2016)

Mixed fisheries are characterized by complex and uncertain dynamic interactions, in this case study a bio-economic multi-species and multi-fleet model is developped aiming at examine the trade ... Bay of Biscay demersal mixed fishery

Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute (05 January 2017)

Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of CAFS (YSFRI), is a multidisciplinary marine and fisheries research institute. It was inaugurated in Shanghai as ‘the Central Fisheries Laboratory, Ministry ... Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute

UiT/Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS) (15 January 2016)

The Norwegian College of Fishery Science is the professional unit at UiT – the Arctic University of Norway which is responsible for research and education directed at both the Norwegian ... UiT/Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS)

MA-RE Institute, University Of Cape Town (15 January 2016)

resources. Research is being conducted on integrated coastal and small scale fisheries management in an effort to develop strategies for the co-management of coastal and fisheries resources. Ecosystem ... The Ma-Re Institute is open to all marine-related research groups and individuals at UCT, studying the ocean and ‘salty waters’ of the coastal zone, as well as all issues influencing these areas (e

Marine Ecosystem in French Guiana (02 February 2016)

, A bio-economic model for the viable management of the coastal fishery in French Guyana, Environmental and Development Economics. Available on line ... This case study relies on a multi-species and multi-fleet model. This small-scale fishery constitutes a challenging example with high fish biodiversity, several non selective fleets and a potentially

About Seaview (06 April 2016)

Reconciling food supply and security with biodiversity protection is a key challenge of the century, especially in the face of population growth and climate change. The case of fisheries and marine ... Seaview : Scenario, fishEry, ecologicAl-economic modelling and VIability nEtWork

Goals (05 February 2016)

Scenario, fishEry, ecologicAl-economic modelling and VIability nEtWork