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23 results

Goals (05 February 2016)

Scenario, fishEry, ecologicAl-economic modelling and VIability nEtWork ... Seaview Goals, Models & Methods, scenarios

Optimality scenarios (01 February 2016)

Effort scenarios consist in sequences e(t0), . . . , e(T ) from current time t0 to temporal horizon T typically 2030, ..., 2050. Important normative scenarios for fisheries management are scenarios ... Optimality scenarios ... Optimality scenarios

Exploratory scenarios (05 July 2016)

Predictive scenarios, such as forecasts, can respond to the question ‘What will likely happen?’. Predictive scenarios include status quo, business as usual or most likely scenarios. Explorative ... Model-based scenarios are scenarios relying on a mathematical or numerical model that is consistent with historical or observed evolutions. This consistency is usually obtained through ... Exploratory scenarios

Scenarios discussion (02 February 2016)

As expected, the economic scenario (NPV) yields the greatest net present value over the simulation period but it is a no-win strategy because it is ecologically and economically risky  this scenario ... Scenarios discussion

Ecoviability scenarios (02 February 2016)

The aim of ecoviability scenarios is to identify states and controls that ensure the ”good health” and safety of socioecosystems. By identifying the viability conditions that allow multiple ... Ecoviability scenarios

The Net Present Value Scenario (02 February 2016)

This scenario indentifies efforts ef(t) to maximize the Net Present Value of rents. Economic Scenario (NPV): Ecologically, Economically and Food Security Unviable The economic scenario seeks ... This scenario maximizes the net present value of all the future profits aggregated among all fleets π(t) ... The Net Present Value Scenario

The Co-Viability Scenario (CVA) (02 February 2016)

The co-viability scenario  aims at complying with the bio-economic constraints below:  profitability constraint: πk(t) ≥ 0,∀t = t1,…,tf,∀k = 1,…,4  species richness constraint: SR(t) ≥ 11,∀t ... This scenario provides a satisfactory balance over time between fleet profitability, biodiversity and local food demand. ... The Co-Viability Scenario (CVA)

Scenarios & Case studies (02 February 2016)

and integrating consideration of multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services in biodiversity scenarios". ... Seaview will especially contribute to harmonizing and integrating development and application of biodiversity scenarios across spatial scales of relevance to multiple types of decisions since ... Scenarios & Case studies

The Status Quo Scenario (02 February 2016)

This scenario (SQ) simulates a steady fishing effort by month based on the mean pattern of the efforts in 2009: This scenario corresponds to a case where fishing efforts are maintained constant ... The Status Quo Scenario

Keywords (11 February 2016)

Keywords, Seaview network, core concepts, marine ecosystem services, Ecological economics and bio-economics, Ecosystem Based Fishery Management, Viability Modeling, Biodiversity, Scenarios