this strategy is almost ecologically viable in the sense that the population viability probability is close to one (98,5%), the ecologial risk is low.


Trajectories of the Spawning Stock Biomass SSBs(t) of each species s  
The viability thresholds are in red ,  The set of possibilities that includes all of the  simulated trajectories is represented by the dark dotted lines and the grey field includes 95% of the trajectories. The green line is one particular trajectory among the 1000 trajectories associated to the same set of recruitments ω  (.) and prices . The lines in blue represent the historical SSB for each species

5The economic viability  appears threatened under this strategy, the  economic viability probability varies from 0% to 31,5% under different fuel prices scenarios.


Trajectories of the profits of each sub-fleet according to time t   under a base case fuel scenario BC with a status quo strategy .

 The viability thresholds are in red . The set of possibilities that includes all of the  simulated trajectories is represented by the dark dotted line and the grey field includes 95% of the trajectories. The green line is one particular trajectory among the 1000 trajectories associated to the same set of recruitments ω  (.) and prices 

Updated on 22/08/2016